Price Of Flights
We have been looking at the price of flights to Beijing since the CCAA has started the month of March 2006. It is amazing how much the cost of a flight to Beijing changes. One day I checked with Air Canada and the cost of a flight to Beijing one way was $809. Terri checked the very next day and the cost was $409. We both put in the month of May as a projected month that we may be travelling. We have checked further into the year and the cost goes up even more. For a flight in June the cost is approximately $1100 one way. I travelled for my employer a few years ago and we were only flying from Toronto to Ohio and our employers cost per ticket was at least three times the cost of a normal traveller going to the same destination. It makes me wonder if we should be booking our tickets through Children's Bridge or just book our own flights. From experience it seems that if a business uses their name when booking flights the cost seems to be more. I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it. I know, I know it is probably a little early to be worrying about looking at flight costs. I can't help myself. I am the type of person who prefers to know these things ahead of time.