Terri and I have been wondering why it just doesn't feel like it's Christmas time. We realized that we are sort of down in the dumps a little bit because we were so sure this time last year that we would have Ava here with us this Christmas. No such luck. So I went out tonight and did some Christmas shopping. I came home and wrapped up all the gifts that I had purchased for Terri. That helped get me in the Christmas mood. We even bought Ava little outfits for Christmas. I fully intend on wrapping it for her. She's here with us all the time. We don't necessarily need her here with us to celebrate Christmas for her. Hopefully she has a good day where-ever she is. I will put a picture on our blog of the outfits that we bought her. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Ava. Oh yah Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone else.