Waiting For Ava

“But these things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, be patient! For it will surely take place. It will not be late by a single day.” Habakkuk 2:3

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Terri and I have been wondering why it just doesn't feel like it's Christmas time. We realized that we are sort of down in the dumps a little bit because we were so sure this time last year that we would have Ava here with us this Christmas. No such luck. So I went out tonight and did some Christmas shopping. I came home and wrapped up all the gifts that I had purchased for Terri. That helped get me in the Christmas mood. We even bought Ava little outfits for Christmas. I fully intend on wrapping it for her. She's here with us all the time. We don't necessarily need her here with us to celebrate Christmas for her. Hopefully she has a good day where-ever she is. I will put a picture on our blog of the outfits that we bought her. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Ava. Oh yah Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone else.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Waiting for Hugo

Well we had to put our beloved Saint Bernard down. We discovered she had some form of cancer and was in alot of pain. Being a household that has had two big dogs forever we have missed her dearly. Yeti had a hard time adjusting but is finally eating normally and getting back to his goofy self.

Sunday, I looked over at Mike and he was typing madly away on the computer. I discovered that he was looking at puppies. If you know me I do not need any persuasion when it comes to puppies. Next thing we know we are searching the web for our next family member. Yes Mom, We are nuts!!!

I have heard the best thing to get through the adoption wait is to get a puppy. We are just following some well researched advise.

Any way, We are calling this one Hugo and he will be ready to come home in the New Year. We can hardly wait. How can you resist that face.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

This is a Test

These videos are our first attempt with our video camera. Obviously we need a little more practise with the lighting. Lots of time to practice as it looks like our referral will be likely this time next year.
This is Alicia and Johnathon two of Ava's cousins.
They can hardly wait to meet her.
Join the club:o)

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