Goodbye to a great friend

Last night was a horrible night. Hugo had an accident, fell down the stairs and did alot of damage to his left elbow. It was horrible to hear him cry out in agony and not know what we could do and how to get the big lug into the car to take him to the vet. We finally got him up on to three legs and he hobble with assistance to the car. Our vet did her examination and we got some x-rays. Turned out he dislocated his elbow, tore the ligaments and had a fracture. This all sounds fairly fixable but this would have required surgery by an orthopedic surgeon(big bucks) and the recovery would require Hugo to live on three legs for months. This may have been an option but Hugo had severe hip dysplasia in both hips so three legged living was not a viable option for him.
It was a horrible decision to make but we didn't want him to suffer so we made the hardest decision in the world.
We are gonna miss him like crazy. He had such a short life, not even two years old. He was the biggest goofball and totally ran the house. He had his moments when we cursed him but he was the most loving, cuddly, on your lap, your whole lapdog! We love you Hugo and you will be in our hearts forever. We are sorry we couldn't help you.
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